Hello My Lovely Boston & Main Readers!
I am terribly sorry I have been so delinquent on the blog this past year. I was horribly sick my entire pregnancy and as much as I wish I could say sitting at the computer to write to you all was a treat, even sitting up was often difficult. That said, we have someone to introduce if you haven't been following along on my Insta or Facebook.
Tyler Graham was born 10/16/18, four weeks early. Thankfully for me, this meant one less month of pregnancy and even more importantly, he was in perfect health!!!
My Husband who worked in the City (Manhattan) at the time was home that day as our Daughter had her first Dentist Appt and we both wanted to be present. After her appointment, I started to feel "flu-like" symptoms. When we arrived home I popped into a bath and upon getting out and going downstairs to make my Daughter's lunch for school, my water broke.
What was interesting about all this was my water never broke with my Daughter Becca and I was a week late with her. Needless to say, having Tyler make his Debut a month early was amazing for everyone, especially our Family. While he was considered premature, he weighed 5.5 oz which meant no NICU stay was required. I had a repeat c-section which this time I healed quite easily and nicely from, and was out of the hospital in two nights versus three. I wanted to get home to my Little Girl and be in my own bed.
So now we are four, and live has been fun. It's a rough time of year to bring someone into the world with all the germs. Our 3 year old is in Nursery School and constantly getting sick. Her first big fever was a week after we got Tyler home. Keeping everyone healthy has proven to be tougher then expected but it's all good. Becca is an amazing Big Sister! She absolutely adores her Little Brother and I can't wait to watch the grow together.
So much more to come and I promise to update more frequently.