Thursday, January 18, 2018

500 Instagram Followers

Good Morning Boston & Main Readers,

A little over a year ago I began Boston & Main. I'm happy to say that in that short time, we've gained over 500 followers on instagram. This means a lot because it's organic traffic. No one going on was there to visit me, but rather my content and what I had to say.  As I get closer to unveiling myself, who I am, what I love, why this blog etc, I think it's important to remember this began for me. I hope as I post more personal things that no one is ever offended by what I have to say because when I'm not Boston & Main, I tend to be be opinionated Liz. There you go, my name, it's Liz. Elizabeth really but I don't love to be called that. 

More to be revealed real soon.



Sunday, January 7, 2018

Fork In The Road

Good Evening Boston & Main Readers,

I want to start by saying how much I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to read Boston & Main and who take part in our Instagram and Facebook accounts. I promise to divulge more about myself in the coming year regarding who I am, where I live and more of my story but have been waiting to get more of an organic following. I don't want people to only visit Boston & Main because they're my friends or family,  I want a real natural place for people to learn about things that can make them feel good. 

With that said, I thought I'd share a bit of a personal story of something I'm currently going through. An opportunity to continue in my current field at a new company has come up. Another opportunity, in a field I'm more passionate about is also on the table. Five years ago, I'd go where the money is. I'm a Mother, a Wife, and a person who knows love and happiness are the most important thing. If I'm unhappy in my career, I'll be unhappy when I go home to my family. I need to be my best self for those people.

I have a decision to make this week and I hope I make the right choice. 

Be well my friends and sweet dreams.
