Hello My Lovely Boston & Main Readers!
I am terribly sorry I have been so delinquent on the blog this past year. I was horribly sick my entire pregnancy and as much as I wish I could say sitting at the computer to write to you all was a treat, even sitting up was often difficult. That said, we have someone to introduce if you haven't been following along on my Insta or Facebook.
Tyler Graham was born 10/16/18, four weeks early. Thankfully for me, this meant one less month of pregnancy and even more importantly, he was in perfect health!!!
My Husband who worked in the City (Manhattan) at the time was home that day as our Daughter had her first Dentist Appt and we both wanted to be present. After her appointment, I started to feel "flu-like" symptoms. When we arrived home I popped into a bath and upon getting out and going downstairs to make my Daughter's lunch for school, my water broke.
What was interesting about all this was my water never broke with my Daughter Becca and I was a week late with her. Needless to say, having Tyler make his Debut a month early was amazing for everyone, especially our Family. While he was considered premature, he weighed 5.5 oz which meant no NICU stay was required. I had a repeat c-section which this time I healed quite easily and nicely from, and was out of the hospital in two nights versus three. I wanted to get home to my Little Girl and be in my own bed.
So now we are four, and live has been fun. It's a rough time of year to bring someone into the world with all the germs. Our 3 year old is in Nursery School and constantly getting sick. Her first big fever was a week after we got Tyler home. Keeping everyone healthy has proven to be tougher then expected but it's all good. Becca is an amazing Big Sister! She absolutely adores her Little Brother and I can't wait to watch the grow together.
So much more to come and I promise to update more frequently.
Boston & Main
Monday, February 4, 2019
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Our Story
Hello Boston & Main Readers,
It's been quite some time since I've written to you all. I'm going to use today's entry to share something very personal and special to me and my loved ones. It's long and detailed about my journey in becoming pregnant a second time, so I won't be offended if you click off now but if you're interested to learn more about how my Daughter and soon to be next child came into this world, read on.
As you know, I am a Mother. I don't speak too often about my Daughter or Husband because the purpose of this blog is to provide light and fun blurbs on things to make you happy. Of course a good meal, vacation, lipstick or moisturizer are going to make most very happy but there are also bigger ticket items like being a parent. These things are priceless or in our case, thousands of dollars, shots, months and tears.
When I was nine weeks pregnant with my Daughter back in 2015 I received a call I'll never forget till the day I die. It was the head of my OBGYN practice who wasn't even my Doctor, calling to tell me I tested positive for Type 1 Gaucher's Disease.
Type 1 Gaucher's Disease is a genetic disorder in which glucocerebroside accumulates in cells and certain organs. It causes an enlarged liver and spleen and additionally, bruising, fatigue, anemia, low blood platelet counts and down the road in many cases neurological issues. While someone with Type 1 Gaucher's Disease may live a full life, they will be hooked up to IVs for most of it to receive platelet transfusions to maintain their well being. This disease is unfortunately incurable.
So we receive this call and are told to not be alarmed. That in his over 30+ years in practice, the Doctor has NEVER seen a couple where both people were carriers and that my Husband can come back in a month to be tested at my next appointment. Well, you can be sure my Husband was there the next morning for that test. One week later, now 10 weeks pregnant, I'm told we're both carriers.
That month, while terrifying and stressful, it was the closest my Husband and I had ever been. We waited for the results each day and night and the stress was immeasurable. Finally on February 11th we got the call that made it all worth it.
There was a 25% chance our Daughter would have had the disease, 50% she'd be a carrier, and 25% she'd be totally fine. She was completely unaffected! We'd been blessed more than any two people that day. I went on to have a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful, healthy and happy little girl. She is the apple of our eyes and I truly can't even picture what life was like without her because I just feel my purpose hadn't started till she took her first breath.
The years began to go on and my Husband discussed a second child. I was terrified by this conversation because the truth of the matter was, I just couldn't go through another waiting game, and I had a bad feeling that this time we wouldn't be so lucky with the results. We began looking into IVF in November of 2016.
Our first Doctor was someone a friend of mine had used. He told us how high our success rate was to be since we'd gotten pregnant with our Daughter so easily and instructed me to stop breastfeeding so I could regulate my hormones and then we'd get started. We heard everything we wanted to hear but I just wasn't sold on the second kid thing.
I loved life as the three of us (plus our two dogs). We had a house of love and happiness and the fiscally responsible person in me thought, I was an only child why can't our Daughter be too? Let her want for nothing as she grows up and not need to split things with a sibling. On the other hand, I knew growing up I was lacking by not having a sibling. I knew I couldn't understand sibling dynamic as an adult. I knew a sibling was just what our Daughter needed and deserved. I knew my Husband and our family deserved this.
I wasn't ready to stop breastfeeding my one year old Daughter nor was she. To this day she still asks for "Mama Milk" and she'll be three. I also had difficulty coming to terms with having another child. Something just didn't sit well with me. I hear it's a common fear to have mixed thoughts about having a second. Regardless, by the end of February, my Daughter was "weaned" (not really because she still asks for it and I'm heartbroken to this day about this). By April, it was time to begin.
My Doctor had a very strict protocol. All his patients were on the same meds for an extended period of time so he could monitor us and control us like robots. I later learned how unhealthy this was for me and truly pray I don't develop complications from this later in life.
As you may or may not know IVF is the process in which an egg is fertilized by sperm in a test tube and then placed back in the woman. In order to make the egg, the body needs to be stimulated to produce many eggs in one cycle. In my case I was over stimulated and developed something called OHSS. This is very painful and something I wish to never remember again. After the egg and sperm fertilize, you cross your fingers that a healthy embryo is created to implant.
Now in our case, we needed to then test whatever embryos we created to find one without the Gaucher's Disease. We had 15 embryos which went out for testing in late June 2017. What should have taken 15 days for results, took over a month. Then the phone rang. Another call I'll never forget for as long as I live. It was the Doctor calling to say all 15 embryos were non-viable.
How could this be? How could all 15 have something wrong. He said they couldn't get definitive results on them and that's why they couldn't go in. We asked that they be retested. This meant more time and money but we had nothing to lose. Oh, did I mention that this wasn't covered by insurance and we paid 100% out of pocket?
So we waited again. This time the news was slightly better. He said he had four which didn't have the disease but we didn't know if they had anything chromosomally wrong with them. We took our chances and put two in in the Fall of 2017. Well, that didn't work and we had no idea why. We started to get second and third opinions.
Each opinion had a new reason as to why they thought it didn't work but at the end of the day, my Husband and I knew something wasn't right and we needed to find a new Doctor and take our embryos with us. When I went to meet my new Doctor, my Husband had been out of town. He was actually on a plane to California at the time of my appointment. I remember because he had texting ability on the plane and I messaged him while en route to tell him I had found the Doctor who was going to give us a healthy baby.
Two weeks later, we were back with our remaining embryos. The lab examined them and determined the reason they were never viable was because they were destroyed in the initial biopsy process. Basically they were ruined by the Doctor's office and nothing could have worked from that point. They were useless.
At first I was angry, sad, defeated, and just accepted this was it for us. But as I walked into the hallway of the Doctor's office with my Husband, I had this "I am woman, hear me roar" moment; that this lousy Doctor wasn't going to end my journey. I was also on day two of my cycle and knew we could get started immediately. Thus began round 2 of IVF. I now was certain I wanted a second baby and this Doctor was going to make that happen.
This time was much different. Less drugs and more results. Unfortunately we needed to make all new embryos and with that came another round of OHSS. Again, I wish to never remember this terrible condition or the 15 pounds of bloating water-weight it made me gain because you're on an all salt diet where you can't drink water.
By the way, have I mentioned how fun this was to go through while working full-time?
Anyways, this time around, much better news. 8 healthy embryos, 7 which were carriers and 1 which was totally unaffected. My cycle worked harmoniously this time with the Doctor's schedule, med schedule and before you knew it, it was implantation time. I am now happy to report that I am pregnant. This pregnancy is very different than with my Daughter. Constantly sick, and nothing provides relief. I suppose when your body is being forced to produce hormones from meds rather then mother nature, it's going to behave differently. It just isn't a walk in the park like it was with my Daughter.
I in no way wish to come across as negative or a complainer. I wouldn't change anything (other then not wasting my time or money at that first Doctor). It all will make the end result that much sweeter. The time I have spent in fertility offices, I have met and been touched by so many people. When I "graduated' from my fertility clinic, the whole staff stuck around to say goodbye. Even the receptionists told me that I had been such a positive force each visit to those who were feeling defeated or stressed. My situation was different. I chose to be in this position. I wanted my child to have the benefit of the doubt to start a life without being a carrier of something, or having a terrible disease. Life is difficult as it is, why not start it with a blank slate if you can right?
As I am now in my second trimester, I felt empowered to share my story with you all. People don't talk about IVF. Either they're embarrassed, scared, lonely or just don't want to share their personal lives. I found that by being vocal these past 16 months, it helped others to share their stories with me. I pray there is a world rid of all diseases and that people don't have to be in my situation in the future, but isn't it incredible that I am carrying this baby that may never have been?
So now I have made some changes in my life. I have started a new job, for much less money working in an entirely different field to try something different. I wanted to be in a position to not feel the stress of the industry I was in and do what was healthiest for my family overall and especially this unborn baby. I can't be a good Mother and Wife if I'm too stressed from my career. My focus is on my family and being the best ME that I can be.
For those of you that spent the time to read all of this, I truly appreciate it. Please feel free to reach out to me personally if you have any questions, if you need someone to talk to, for anything... Bostonandmain@ gmail.com day or night, I'm here.
I'll be sure to keep you all updated during my pregnancy journey but just remember that no one can allow you to be defeated if you keep going. Had I given up, this little nugget wouldn't be coming into the world in November.
Again, thank you sincerely for reading.
PS. For more information on Gaucher's Disease visit
https://www.gaucherdisease.org /about-gaucher-disease/what- is/
PS. For more information on Gaucher's Disease visit
Monday, March 5, 2018
Another Year, Another Candle.
Hello Boston & Main Readers,
Hope you're all doing well. As my 32nd year comes to a close, I look back on this past year and realize I learned a lot.
I learned that you shouldn't work in a place you're unappreciated and where you lack passion.
That money isn't everything.
That when you think you're trying your hardest, you can try harder.
And that when someone tells you something is impossible, you need to seek another opinion and/or trust yourself.
I went through a lot this year with my health and as I embrace my 33rd Birthday coming this Saturday, I assure you of this one thing, you can do the impossible.
Short post as I have so much more to say soon enough.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Focusing On What's Important
Good Evening Boston & Main Readers,
About a month ago I wrote how I was at a crossroads in my life. Unhappy in my current profession, I wanted a change. With that change came a major paycut but I believed opportunity doesn't knock often and everything happens for a reason. While money has and always will be extremely important to me, it's important I remain focused on what's most crucial in my early 30's.
1. I have an amazing family. One of which is immediately comprised of my Husband, our Daughter and our two dogs.
2. I am passionate about many things, none of which are part of what I'm doing for a "living" right now.
3. If it wasn't for my life in the Theatre, I wouldn't have had the skills to have been in sales all these years, wouldn't have met my Husband or best friend, and wouldn't be where I am today. I have to remember to not forget how much I love the Theatre (even though I've spent about three years now trying to convince myself otherwise).
Last night I went into Manhattan to see a one night only production of my very favorite show. A show I have yearned to play the lead in for 15 years now. And while it's never happened, it reminded me to never give up.
I have always been passionate about skincare, cosmetics, apothecary etc.... I am going to focus on this area of my passion now. It will allow me to bring together the three areas I mentioned earlier.
More to come.
About a month ago I wrote how I was at a crossroads in my life. Unhappy in my current profession, I wanted a change. With that change came a major paycut but I believed opportunity doesn't knock often and everything happens for a reason. While money has and always will be extremely important to me, it's important I remain focused on what's most crucial in my early 30's.
1. I have an amazing family. One of which is immediately comprised of my Husband, our Daughter and our two dogs.
2. I am passionate about many things, none of which are part of what I'm doing for a "living" right now.
3. If it wasn't for my life in the Theatre, I wouldn't have had the skills to have been in sales all these years, wouldn't have met my Husband or best friend, and wouldn't be where I am today. I have to remember to not forget how much I love the Theatre (even though I've spent about three years now trying to convince myself otherwise).
Last night I went into Manhattan to see a one night only production of my very favorite show. A show I have yearned to play the lead in for 15 years now. And while it's never happened, it reminded me to never give up.
I have always been passionate about skincare, cosmetics, apothecary etc.... I am going to focus on this area of my passion now. It will allow me to bring together the three areas I mentioned earlier.
More to come.
long island,
mom life,
new england,
Thursday, January 18, 2018
500 Instagram Followers
Good Morning Boston & Main Readers,
A little over a year ago I began Boston & Main. I'm happy to say that in that short time, we've gained over 500 followers on instagram. This means a lot because it's organic traffic. No one going on was there to visit me, but rather my content and what I had to say. As I get closer to unveiling myself, who I am, what I love, why this blog etc, I think it's important to remember this began for me. I hope as I post more personal things that no one is ever offended by what I have to say because when I'm not Boston & Main, I tend to be be opinionated Liz. There you go, my name, it's Liz. Elizabeth really but I don't love to be called that.
More to be revealed real soon.
A little over a year ago I began Boston & Main. I'm happy to say that in that short time, we've gained over 500 followers on instagram. This means a lot because it's organic traffic. No one going on was there to visit me, but rather my content and what I had to say. As I get closer to unveiling myself, who I am, what I love, why this blog etc, I think it's important to remember this began for me. I hope as I post more personal things that no one is ever offended by what I have to say because when I'm not Boston & Main, I tend to be be opinionated Liz. There you go, my name, it's Liz. Elizabeth really but I don't love to be called that.
More to be revealed real soon.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Fork In The Road
Good Evening Boston & Main Readers,
I want to start by saying how much I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to read Boston & Main and who take part in our Instagram and Facebook accounts. I promise to divulge more about myself in the coming year regarding who I am, where I live and more of my story but have been waiting to get more of an organic following. I don't want people to only visit Boston & Main because they're my friends or family, I want a real natural place for people to learn about things that can make them feel good.
With that said, I thought I'd share a bit of a personal story of something I'm currently going through. An opportunity to continue in my current field at a new company has come up. Another opportunity, in a field I'm more passionate about is also on the table. Five years ago, I'd go where the money is. I'm a Mother, a Wife, and a person who knows love and happiness are the most important thing. If I'm unhappy in my career, I'll be unhappy when I go home to my family. I need to be my best self for those people.
I have a decision to make this week and I hope I make the right choice.
Be well my friends and sweet dreams.
long island,
new england,
new york,
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Sunday Morning Reflection
Good Morning Boston & Main Readers,
I had a reflection recently about all the good that Boston & Main has brought me thus far and wanted to share and hopefully inspire some of you reading this. I took my Daughter to the beach yesterday and was snapping away for this account. I realized how much beauty I found in the littlest of things which ordinarily I wouldn't even bother to look at nonetheless take a picture of. And yes, I'm in the Northeast and it was cold so we bundled up and had a nice afternoon.
Boston & Main has allowed me to step back and find beauty in things I never would have even looked at. Sure, this account was set up to talk about "beauty" in skincare, cosmetics, food, luxurious travels, but it also can be found in thinhgs such as the shell of a crab or stingray or whatever I found yesterday. The way the trees curve over as you exit the boardwalk, or the rocks which dart out into the water that are gorgeous but very dangerous. Even a man who was on the beach with a metal detector. It all was beautiful to me and worth taking a second glance at.
I hope you all can take today and every day to try to find beauty in things which aren't at first glance beautiful. Enjoy your Sundays and every day and please feel free to reach out directly for anything at BostonandMain&gmail.com.
long island,
new england,
new york,
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